Thursday, 16 February 2012

The final curtain on the 3D stage

“Before the final curtain falls we stand one more time on our 3D stage with all the spotlights shining on us. A stage that now is an inspiration to enable us to continue forward in the right direction. The 3D play will always be remembered by the many actors who played the good and the bad parts” Lisa

This article is inspired on Suzanne’s Lie latest article, the first paragraph: quote: “I can lovingly maintain my focus on New Earth and the Starship, but my mind cannot remain focused on the third dimensional illusions. Myriad facts, which I know are half-truths and indoctrination, slip from my memory. Duties, responsibilities and mundane tasks are becoming so arduous that I can hardly complete them. Time drifts and moves in and out on its own, while memories that are attached to time phase in and out of my brain.” Source:

How are you all feeling this month? I feel just like Sue, drifting in and out the 3D stage and having difficulties to complete my (autopilot) everyday life tasks. Feeling less and less present in the 3D, and more present in 5D. Even the easy tasks become difficult for me, even the obvious. The reason for this is because my 5D mindset throws it al out and leaves me feeling like a child who is just starting the learn the new tricks of life all over again but in a different and new way.

Also recently it is like I am reviewing my past life, parts of which I totally forgot about it, and they are no negative experiences.

The most of them are positive life experiences. And then the Ascension symptoms that are driving me crazy…especially the Buddha belly, it looks like I am pregnant. Maybe pregnant of the Ascension waiting to be birthed. But I know I have to hold on for now, cause as an Earth Partner I promised Gaia to assist her with her Ascension path. And also keep it together or they going to put me in a loony house . The only thing I know is that for me the curtain falls on 12:21 because I have seeing these times on the clock everyday. The 12:21 and the 21:12. I want to wake up out of this dream.

So here I AM, alone in BE-ing ,behind a desk, typing these words. Nobody close to me I can talk too. Perceiving myself out of the comfort bubble of not knowing, seeing my fellow un-awakened sisters and brothers unconsciously going there own way. But I don’t move away and stand my ground, because I am connected virtually through space and time, to my awakened sisters and brothers on the other (internet) line. Then I don’t feel lonely anymore, I feel connected through heart and soul. And my inner-light grows; my inner-self grows…the path to enlightenment shines even brighter. The hill becomes less steep when I have helping hands from my sisters and brothers. We are ONE, ONE SOUL, ONE DREAM. We will become stronger as a family, because home is where my soul vibrates. Even though I am tired, the lending hands are easing my journey. I look inside myself, overwhelmed by compassion and filled with light of happiness because I know once the word is out; we can shine our lights to the newly awakened souls. Right now I am playing my final role with a heart light filled with HOPE (elpis). Hope? A word that I heard before. I know. Pandora’s box:

 Quote: One item, however, did not escape the jar (96–9): Only Hope was left within her unbreakable house, she remained under the lip of the jar, and did not fly away. Before [she could], Pandora replaced the lid of the jar. This was the will of aegis-bearing Zeus the Cloudgatherer.

 It is time to let Hope out of the jar!!!!

Below here a text that I feel so close too.

 Alien Like You 
I know what your feeling
It’s hard to believe in
that home must be millions
and billions of light years away
so let the stars align
let the water make wine
cause broken souls would become whole tonight
oh tonight
we know its right so…
lift your eyes and let me in
cause baby I’m an alien, like you
will you ever let me be, alien…. with you
Aren’t you tired of running
from what your becoming
the truth is its useless there’s nowhere to go its not going to find you
so let the heavens flare
let’s not be scared
we know love is a world above this one
it’s like the sun
lift your eyes and let me in
cause baby I’m an alien, like you
will you ever let me be, an alien…. with you

Anyone out there who wishes to share their last moments until the curtain closes?

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

"If a man could pass through Paradise in a dream, and have a flower presented to him as a pledge that his soul had really been there, and if he found that flower in his hand when he awake - Aye, what then?"      Samuel Taylor Coleridge

 I don’t think I have mentioned that I am invited to be an author in Spirit Train Chronicles and never thought it would take me to a next level of spiritual enhancement. But that is just what happened. At one point, you just have to say to yourself to step up a notch. Today if have that feeling when I look at the world and all what is happening. Light has stepped up a notch; we are now on a high speed train. Hold on to your white hats. I

 am quite excited about dreamworkers experiment of dreaming ourselves on our self created fleet of Light Starships. As I as well, even though that I wasn’t thinking about it, it just came to me. Then Leslee mentioned the movie “Inception” and my mind went thinking outside of that box again. What if this 3D reality of ours is a dream that we are all sharing, like in the movie. And the dream experiment that we are doing now is just going on the second level of dreaming. A dream in a dream.

 Here some other links of articles I wrote about dreams: (if interested)
To dream no more
Dreaming UFO’s and explanation

There are also interesting articles on the internet on mutual dreaming and steps how you can have a lucid dream. I think , with the a word or an image we can trigger lucid dreaming when we are on the Light Ships and may be able to remember more of our trips.

See some interesting links about:
Mutual Dreaming: Is Group Dreaming Possible?
Five Simple Ways to Have Lucid Dreams

Anyway let’s dream on and make a better world.

 More of my articles on Spirit Train Chronicles: Try thinking out of our limited 3D box and It is time for us to let (personal) Disclosure to happen, click here

Namaste Lisa

Friday, 10 February 2012

It is time for us to let (personal) Disclosure to happen

It is time for US to let Disclosure happen, not the government, not the extra-terrestrials, US. Like they said, it US that we are waiting for, to get to a level where we get into action.

The first step was taken by Steve Beckow. It is time also for our personal disclosure (ascension) to come true. Steve triggered inside of me to step up. Not only achieving disclosure within myself but help people to trigger their disclosure within themselves. This is the time we trust on our inner-self to reach the sky, the Universe (and by no means the sky is the limit), there is no limit at all.

Often without knowing we place roadblocks in our path but it is time to clear them. I encouraged myself to clean the cobwebs within my personal inner closet and I found a meditation Light and Fire of Purification, that done the first time gave me a profound dream. Link to meditation: meditation Light and Fire of Purification

I was standing in my familiar inner-world when suddenly everything went blank. It looked like a scooped empty grapefruit were you can see the white skin, and the marks that the spoon left behind. There was nothing in my inner-world. Suddenly a path appeared and led me to these huge golden/green doors. I opened it (believing that it is a path to my Higher Self) and stepped inside into a sweet blissful nothingness. And I woke up happy. Here a personal meaning that I gave my little dream

Empty white inner-world: I empty my cup so that I can have new experiences. It represents purity, perfection, peace, innocence, dignity, cleanliness, awareness and new beginnings. I am experiencing a re-awakening. I can begin with a clean slate.

The path: I am being guided to venture of the traditional way that leads me to my Higher Self.

The Golden/Green door: signifies a new entrance too: Gold: reflects a spiritual reward, richness, refinement and enhancement of my surroundings. Green: positive change, good health, growth, fertility healing, hope, vigor, vitality, peace and serenity. It is a way of telling me to “go ahead”.
Since a few days I feel an urge to just write and write …realizing my vision …releasing some profound moments of what is happening right now in my life. I always kept a personal spiritual diary since 8 years now. It gave me wonderful insights into the world and my inner-world.

So here is a personal call : don’t wait for disclosure to happen, make it happen by writing, art…petitions, bringing people together. I once had a dream where I made a website were you could see how the light is spreading all over the world. You had a map where you saw increasing light points being added by people just signing up this website: Universal Light Bringers. Unfortunate my knowledge of how to do this is limited. Maybe with combined efforts of others we will make it work. Anyway it is just a thought.

Remember now is the time to step up and make it happen and it doesn’t matter how big or small it is. Believe in yourself!!!!

Also “Dreawalkers” experiment the GLS Aeterna, is a second kick in our but to get on moving. I like it very much, so much I am going to participate. Maybe if we do this a lot of times it becomes a reality.

I am just listening to a song of the Polar Express from John Grohan “Believe”, very appropriate what I am typing right now. We can make it the Lightworkers Express.

Here my favorite song:
Alien like you.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Try thinking out of our limited 3D box

duck/rabbit illusion

What do you see first?
I was reading some positive and negative comments on the trip of Neptune and that Linda is a fake channeler and so on and so on. What follows is my opinion/speculations and is not designed to favor (or not) anyone. For me, there is no just black or white or yellow. You have a whole range of subtle colors for example the color yellow:  you have from sunshine yellow to pastel yellow or dirty yellow. I always have a discussion with my husband about colors. When he say’s something is orange, I would say: no it is red. Even though we are both right, because orange is composed out of the colors yellow and red.

Maybe it is time to think out of our 3D thinking comfort box, because everything is not as simple, or is, as it looks.

I read a very interesting article about parallel universes and that we can shift in and out those universes. I always had a feeling that parallel universes are created, where a part of a decision I didn’t make would present itself in a parallel universe.

Now, let’s play the game “what if”: (thinking out of the 3D box?)

the trip to the mothership Neptune did happen but in a parallel universe. (I am keeping the story in my mind about what the writer said in that article about parallel universes. At one moment she describes that she had two magazine issues where the same add of a psychic was advertised, including the website’s link. But as she wanted to look it up, that website, it didn’t exist. Fortunately she had the lady’s phone number and she phoned. The lady went silent on the other line. She told the writer that she intended to make a website but didn’t yet.) So let’s apply this to the story of John Lear writing that he is onboard the ship Neptune and not. What if John is really on board the ship and somehow his story got through to our side of the parallel universe. As stated in another message saying that he isn’t on that ship, maybe in this reality he really didn’t go onto the ship.

Then it comes to my mind that there is not only ONE TRUTH, because there isn’t. Everything is fluid; everybody has a different look on things from different perspectives at different levels. Events that happened or didn’t all can be true in alternative realities.  Possibilities are endless, we can create endless…Does it really matters at all what is true? (3D thinking) Is it not important to take what is true for you and leave all the rest? Is the cup half empty or half full?

I hope you can see where I am getting at and would like your opinion about this avenue of thinking. Before I close down, one more perception/knowing of my side……the Universe is also constant in change, what applies for today won’t be for tomorrow or a matter of fact, even into the next minute, or second. I don’t believe in “THE TRUTH”, as there are so many…as there is no dark or light side…duality…there is no wrong or right 

Now everything said about this, you can throw mud at me; I always love a good mud bath.

PS: It is time to have our own personal disclosure (ascension). 

(something funny happened, I was looking for those psychology pictures I was re-directed to this page:  . Is it universe helping me out?)

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Don’t shoot the messenger. Voyage to the Stars.

Everyone is having a go for it, so why not me. The voyage to Neptunus. I read a lot of comments and channeling’s on this voyage that didn’t happen like WE wanted too. As I was thinking about it, also reading Greg’s blog about it, maybe we sabotaged ourselves by having to much doubts that this event would happen. For me, even though the trip didn’t go through YET, for me it was not a failure if you consider how much hope and excitement it generated and how many people took a leap of faith and even the hits that Steve Beckow’s site got after this channeling. Also in my opinion is that if things don’t go the way you think it suppose to go that you have to shoot the messenger down. Because the messenger is just a messenger, delivering the message. And if I read the comments, we perceive ourselves still as separate from each other instead of as being ONE.

Of course everybody is entitled to their own Vasanas, like Steve would put it so eloquently.For the rest I agree with Blossom about this.See link below.