Thursday, 26 February 2009

aRt - ArT - ART

Since I was 6 years old , I loved to draw. I would sit in front of my house and draw. When I moved to a bigger city I also had the opportunity to go to an artschool in my spare time. Later I went to an artschool. And now I still like to draw and paint but not so much as I use too. So with my new projects going on I try to get some life in my drawing/painting skills. I am a bit rusty but not to much....

I went to St. Lucas School, did you know that St. Lucas is a pratron for artists. Anyway when I was in my two last years, I was the only one to in the painting departement. This is how my space looked like in school:

Now days I don't have a space to work on, the only space I have to do my art is on the computer. I have so much ideas , but sometimes not the space and the time to work them out. But I am hopefull that one day I will have my own artspace again.

This one I made in my last year. We went on a schooltrip to United States. When we flew back home I saw this and made a quick sketch in my notebook. I tought it was an amazing sight. This artwork is 1m30 wide and 1m in tall.

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Message Spiritual Guide

Message from my spiritual guide:

There is strength in gentleness of being, there is spiritual power in gentleness of being, there is unity through diversity in gentleness of being. Love is the foundation of all personal creation, the foundation of the healing rays and energies which are taught in and out of mystery schools. All of us are aware of the fact, that personal love and spiritual love are usually necessary or desired things in life, but most of us, as yet, have not realized how to tap the full and highest power of love to enable all other loves to follow the course. Often we have attachments to something or things which are not in tune with the mighty “I am”.
We will endeavour to assist you in bringing knowledge and understanding that will enhance your life. Our minds often places blocks in the way and we need to be aware of the joy, knowledge, love and wisdom that goes beyond intellectual understanding.
There is Truth in every religion, as there is free will choice in whatever Path you choose to follow. Often when people do not understand something, they manifest human nature, not divine nature. You must reach out to those thoughts and feelings within your heart and mind that you know are the noblest and the highest. The God self, the I am, will be your consciousness. We have all adopted belief systems, fears and attitudes that are not entirely our own. These are the fears we have adopted from society, from family and even friends. This so called “truth”, and we say this truth in inverted commas, becomes the order of the day.
Work with what sits well with you, then move on. We all have the longing that there is something more to give and something more to receive. That is the truth inside of yourself beginning to stir. As the Truth emerges, your Soul begins to magnetically draw towards certain experiences, which allow you to pursue that particular avenue.
The Truth is, that the passion that feeds you, stimulates and inspires you. Honour the Light of your Soul at all times, honour the Love of God at all times (no matter which belief system an individual works or relates to), honour the free will choice of others, honour the freedom of speech and honour the Golden Rule of doing unto others as you would like them do unto you. Continue to seek your spiritual development and always keep your critical faculties alive. Awaken to dream no more. Make the best decisions to bring you more readily into the Light. Work for the combined good based in God and Good.

Angel Message

A new day, a new page....

Here in South-Africa...we have every month a Body, mind and soul Fair. Mostly in Johannesburg and sourroundings, including Pretoria. So I went to a fair and there was a lady who made drawings of your spirit guides or gardian angels. So I went for it. Normally her colleague would to the interpretation or the message from the guide in drawings but because I couldn't stay see sent my guides message through e-mail. I just want to share a piece of that message that I know it will apply to anyone that reads this. See Message Spiriual Guide

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

BOS: A Blessing

© Liesbeth Swenne
I made this painting when I was expecting my daughter Sarah. In the yellow square I wrote a blessing for my sweet little baby. I hope you would enjoy this too. This is a version without the Blessing. BB

"You have my permission to use it for personal use, for your own Book of Shadows. No permission is given to use it for public use. You can also use it on your blog or website as long that you link it to my website."

Monday, 23 February 2009

Artists are wanderes

A few years ago in Belgium. There was an exhibition going on displaying various artists. One painting I never forgot. On the canvas was written only text. This is what it said:

"Artists are often homeless, wandering nomads. In search of a place to hide. You can't call them demanding, this spot is already enough."

Unfortunately I didn't wrote his/her name down. But I hope it will say something to you as it did for me.

Friday, 20 February 2009

Fantasy World

I made a poll if you believe that fearie's exist. Is it just our imagination or do they really exist in a parallel world. Not visible for our eyes? If we create story’s, paintings and music about fantasy creatures will they start to exist in a world of imagination. Where dragons, dragonfighters, goblin’s , and others exist….just wonder such a world. Would it be wonderfull to live in a world like that. Emerge yourself in some of this fantasy world online.

Joshepine Wall

Here you can download a javascript Tinkerbell Mouse Effect. You see the effect now on my blog: Tinkerbell Magic Sparkle Fairy Dust Mouse Effect

Wednesday, 18 February 2009


If you search for Book of shadow pages you will find a lot of Pic-
tures of the Book of Shadows of Charmed. I truly love that but I decided to make and personalize my own Book of Shadows. In fol-
lowing weeks I am going to post a lot of pages of my personal BOS but only the drawings so if you are interested you can buy the pages. Just email me how much they cost to . My version of a Book of Shadows is to create pages that interest me. I would call myself an eclectic witch. Al-
though I am not really into wicca but I read a lot about it. So this page that I am presenting now is with text because it is a personal meditating chant with painting that can not be seperated. I hope you like it.

Monday, 16 February 2009


Peace comes within the souls of men, when they realize their oneness with the Universe, when they realize it is really every-
where... it is within each one of us. Black Elk, Lakota Medicine Man

This is an old painting of mine. Done in oil paint. Loved working on it. Now it is hanging on the wall in my brothers place.

Sunday, 15 February 2009


This is another flash movie made bij my fellow deviant artist. I think it is a beautiful story and the drawings are very artistic. Enjoy as I have enjoyed.

Saturday, 14 February 2009

Digital Matting: Planet of the Bears

Steps I took to complete Planet of the Bears: Used my sketch to construct my artwork with pictures and scanned sketches. Every element you see is on a different layer: planet, bears, background, stars and so on. If everything is in place: filter, artistic, dry brush. I used brushes to blend in the pictures so that it becomes one artwork instead of a collection of pictures. The planet in the background. I made two layers with different colors. Flipped them in mirror. Used the eraser to blend in the two layers. Then added the clouds and the lights. Made another layer for the reflection into the water. Took several star pictures and put them together and used the eraser to blend them. The sunrise, I changed the orange into red, copied the lights in a different layer. Mirrored the layer and used it for the reflection in the water. With the cloning tool a made the fur of the bears. Changed there colors and detailed it with a fine brush. Also used smudging tool. Then a separate layer of both bears to use as a reflection into the swimming pool water.The swimming pool I changed the color and the light and also the foam. Again I used the eraser to let through a glimpse of the water.The last layer I added was the champagne glass and the champagne bottle.

Nim's Winter Story

This is really one of my favorite flash movies. This flash movie is awsome to watch. Love it so much. This is the link were you can wacth the whole flash movie: Nim's Winter Story . You also have to check out the site itself , that is just super. Goober Studio


I am not only making art, I love to write poetry.
When I was flying for Belgium back to Johannesburg I saw this out of my window plane. It was then a poem came into my mind. I took the picture with a digital camera.

Heaven or Hell?

I could see heaven from here
It's just a cloud amongst other clouds
I wonder what lies beind it
I wonder where it's leading
I look closely and saw the wonder of nature
Behind the airplane window
Spying on the land beneath
With mysterious markings
Leading me wondering why
People think that heaven is up here
And when the sun sets
The clouds are bloodly red
Would you think you are then in hell?

Friday, 13 February 2009

Snowstorm in London

I had this image for years in my head. But I never translated that in a painting। Now that I have a drawing tablet it made me easier to make the idea into a painting. London is my favorite town and I have been there twice. Once with school and once with my parents just before Christmas.

I searched some references of the Big Ben and a bobby and created from there "Snowstorm in London". This is really an atmospherical painting and one of my favorites. I like the color blue and I really love snow, especially a snowstorm.

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Something Wicca came my way

Hello everybody,

Here a little history about myself. I started drawing at six and when we moved I went to artschool until I was 23. After that I spent some time to create some handmade christmascards for family and friends to buy. When I went to South-Africa to work I stopped painting. A year went by and I moved to Johannesburg. There I started to make my own Book of Shadows. Since then I started to make fantasy art. I began with the traditional paintings and now with my genius tablet I make digital paintings.