Recruitment Ground Crew for GLS Blaze
As also announced by Leslee that it was time to do some recruitment for GLS Blaze. Information from Leslee: “Both ships, OcaTAwa and Athabantian are Motherships. The ships Algiz, Tulya, Blaze and Athena are four closely related ships that work between them. The sun is actually a stargate AND a lens of sorts, Athabantian operates much like a lens, and the "lens artefact orbs" that some of us find in our pics are refractions from Athabantian. Atha is directly in line between us & the sun, which is why we cannot see her. There is a straight line between OcaTAwa, the sun, Athabantian, Gaia, and the Inner location of OcaTAwa. The 4 smaller ships move around more. There are other clusters of smaller ships that work together, and with Atha & Oca. These will emerge later, or perhaps through other people... “
The mission of GLS Blaze
As for the mission here on Blaze, there is only one mission. We all have a desire to help out Mother Gaia in anyway we can. The mission is to expand our creativity and create creative solutions to help Mother Earth and the people of Earth. Of course to get the creativity flowing you can relax in our relaxing/fun rooms. You have also access to our library about creativity or you can make use of our holodeks or holo-labs so that you can see your creativity in action. These solutions will be shared with other members of the ships so that they can be used in anyway they and we see fit.
As for the guidelines, you can check up the guidelines on Recruitment and crew.
There is no need to confirm with me if you wish to join the ground Crew for GLS Blaze. You can just set the intention to join. In confirmation with Leslee and Adrial : Those who are called to Blaze will KNOW this is their mission, and little confirmation will be needed! I’ve been amazed – every single person who has inquired about Blaze, Adrial has confirmed.
If you do have a question regarding Blaze you can always contact me through the contact form .
Welcome to Blaze
More info : Galactic Fleet: Link or for Blaze: Link