Written by: Dreamwalker444 : link blog: How to manifest...
Throughout the universe there are millions of Galactic Light Ships, and many of them are here at this time around planet Earth to witness the Main Event. A question was asked, "how do I manifest my own ship?" This will be different for everyone, but here are some tips to manifest your own ship.
http://www.viewzone.com/monalisa.html Dr. Steven Greer - UFO Homing Meditation This is a 1-hour session that is used to "call" Galactic Light Ships to a group session on the earth's surface. Dr. Greer states that if you use this meditation in a group with pure intent, you will get results as they have. I can confirm that I was able to witness a beamship demonstration in a dream following my own meditation. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6hUogwlRI8&feature=player_embedded]
- Think of something that gives you a LOT of joy or happiness. Some event, someone in your life, a pet maybe. Hold that in your mind for a few seconds, so that’s the only thing you’re thinking about.
- Do not try to think of a ship, but let the ship tell you what it looks like. So you may start by thinking about a big ball of light (it could be any color), or a big empty space where a ship might be.
- You might start by thinking about what it would be like to be inside the ship. Does it have a control panel, is it big, is it small. Does it have a crew, or it is it just you? What does being inside the ship feel like?
- You may receive mental communication from the ship before you know what it looks like. If that’s the case, that’s great! This means you can ask it questions (yes you can have a conversation with a ship because it is sentient; "intelligent energy").
- You may not receive anything, but some days later you might see the ship in your dreams (and it may resemble something else; the Athabantian resembles a balloon in dreamtime)
- Galactic Light Ships can be made of any material, they are not necessarily made of metal.
http://www.viewzone.com/monalisa.html Dr. Steven Greer - UFO Homing Meditation This is a 1-hour session that is used to "call" Galactic Light Ships to a group session on the earth's surface. Dr. Greer states that if you use this meditation in a group with pure intent, you will get results as they have. I can confirm that I was able to witness a beamship demonstration in a dream following my own meditation. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6hUogwlRI8&feature=player_embedded]