Lisa's Geomagical Journey 2012
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
dreamwalkerdiaries: A Response (Athabantian Awake!)
dreamwalkerdiaries: A Response (Athabantian Awake!): I feel things have indeed been "flat-lining" for many of us from an energy perspective. But that in itself is rather extraordinary since i...
Sunday, 16 September 2012
What's in a World
Hi everybody,
Here is a link to my new blog as I am only going to blog on this one only:
Love Lisa
Here is a link to my new blog as I am only going to blog on this one only:
Love Lisa
Friday, 27 July 2012
pleiadedolphininfos: Galactic energies are coming in, can YOU feel it too? Méline Lafont
Galactic energies are coming in, can YOU feel it too? Méline Lafont
Recruitment Ground Crew for GLS Blaze

Recruitment Ground Crew for GLS Blaze
As also announced by Leslee that it was time to do some recruitment for GLS Blaze. Information from Leslee: “Both ships, OcaTAwa and Athabantian are Motherships. The ships Algiz, Tulya, Blaze and Athena are four closely related ships that work between them. The sun is actually a stargate AND a lens of sorts, Athabantian operates much like a lens, and the "lens artefact orbs" that some of us find in our pics are refractions from Athabantian. Atha is directly in line between us & the sun, which is why we cannot see her. There is a straight line between OcaTAwa, the sun, Athabantian, Gaia, and the Inner location of OcaTAwa. The 4 smaller ships move around more. There are other clusters of smaller ships that work together, and with Atha & Oca. These will emerge later, or perhaps through other people... “
The mission of GLS Blaze
As for the mission here on Blaze, there is only one mission. We all have a desire to help out Mother Gaia in anyway we can. The mission is to expand our creativity and create creative solutions to help Mother Earth and the people of Earth. Of course to get the creativity flowing you can relax in our relaxing/fun rooms. You have also access to our library about creativity or you can make use of our holodeks or holo-labs so that you can see your creativity in action. These solutions will be shared with other members of the ships so that they can be used in anyway they and we see fit.
As for the guidelines, you can check up the guidelines on Recruitment and crew.
There is no need to confirm with me if you wish to join the ground Crew for GLS Blaze. You can just set the intention to join. In confirmation with Leslee and Adrial : Those who are called to Blaze will KNOW this is their mission, and little confirmation will be needed! I’ve been amazed – every single person who has inquired about Blaze, Adrial has confirmed.
If you do have a question regarding Blaze you can always contact me through the contact form .
Welcome to Blaze
More info : Galactic Fleet: Link or for Blaze: Link
Monday, 23 July 2012
How to Manifest Your Own Galactic Light Ship
Written by: Dreamwalker444 : link blog: How to manifest...
Throughout the universe there are millions of Galactic Light Ships, and many of them are here at this time around planet Earth to witness the Main Event. A question was asked, "how do I manifest my own ship?" This will be different for everyone, but here are some tips to manifest your own ship. Dr. Steven Greer - UFO Homing Meditation This is a 1-hour session that is used to "call" Galactic Light Ships to a group session on the earth's surface. Dr. Greer states that if you use this meditation in a group with pure intent, you will get results as they have. I can confirm that I was able to witness a beamship demonstration in a dream following my own meditation. [youtube=]
- Think of something that gives you a LOT of joy or happiness. Some event, someone in your life, a pet maybe. Hold that in your mind for a few seconds, so that’s the only thing you’re thinking about.
- Do not try to think of a ship, but let the ship tell you what it looks like. So you may start by thinking about a big ball of light (it could be any color), or a big empty space where a ship might be.
- You might start by thinking about what it would be like to be inside the ship. Does it have a control panel, is it big, is it small. Does it have a crew, or it is it just you? What does being inside the ship feel like?
- You may receive mental communication from the ship before you know what it looks like. If that’s the case, that’s great! This means you can ask it questions (yes you can have a conversation with a ship because it is sentient; "intelligent energy").
- You may not receive anything, but some days later you might see the ship in your dreams (and it may resemble something else; the Athabantian resembles a balloon in dreamtime)
- Galactic Light Ships can be made of any material, they are not necessarily made of metal. Dr. Steven Greer - UFO Homing Meditation This is a 1-hour session that is used to "call" Galactic Light Ships to a group session on the earth's surface. Dr. Greer states that if you use this meditation in a group with pure intent, you will get results as they have. I can confirm that I was able to witness a beamship demonstration in a dream following my own meditation. [youtube=]
My magical journey on STC

I have contemplated to write this story for a long time. But it is time to write it down. My evolving story on Spirit Train Chronicles and how I met and still meet amazing persons, who helped me grow into the person I am now and will be.
I started a blog lisasgeomagical journey in February 2009, followed by a new blog What’s in a World in 2011. I think through divine intervention Leslee landed on my site and ask me to join Spirit Train Chronicles. I felt honored but unsure where this adventure would take me.
My personal journey has been a bumpy one, but through all the scars and hurts, and literally been and seen the bottom of the pit, I am still here stronger than ever. Would I be still there if I didn’t move to South-Africa? Anyway, everything that happened to me made me stronger. I overcame many fears. What I write in this article is my opinion, and my views.
I want to tell you about my first journey that I already had written down, followed by my second journey, the journey that started with Leslee and Spirit Train Chronicles. Thanks Leslee, my dear lady, you are gem.
This is my first spiritual journey and what I learned about myself
You can find it on : My first spiritual journey
The second part of my journey begins at Spirit Train Chronicles
Even though at that time I didn’t know. Because in the years, I hopped from one forum/blog to another, trying to find my home base. It looks like I finally found it.
Back then, I was still new on so it was looking and trying things on my own way, and as time went by I got more familiar with it. When I started on STC, I already read the messages of the Galactic Federation for 3 years. After attending to my blogs, I was ready for something new. From this point of view, it has been a sprinting course, all the way, until I cross the finish line. I have to admit that I have grown a lot.
My journey on STC is an amazing one and we started out as a small group, trying to find some ground with each other. As we move forward, the start of the dream flights launched our group into new territories. As time went on, and as we participating in the flights together, the more connection we seem to have with each other. Synchronization made their way through our dreams tying us together as ONE. What an amazing event is happening on STC. The dream flights are still happening, more people jump on board and the experience gets more tangible, I can feel it. New ships making their way to our Galactic fleet page.
The old reality is loosing its grip and slowly a new reality is emerging. But now it gets more intense because more souls are joining the party, and I feel so enriched by all of them. As time goes by (what time?) we are getting stronger , we are acting more as ONE group, filled with love and amazing abilities that takes us every time to new heights. We started just now with the telepathy exercises and slowly we are remembering our divine selves. A new journey has begun on the road d of Ascension and our road to full consciousness. I notice since I spread my wings beyond STC again, it seems that more wonderful things are happening. Sometimes my mind can’t wrap around all these amazing events that is coming to me, coming to others. But my heart is. My heart knows. I love you all; you are keeping me strong with your unconditional love that is the red thread through this site. You are wonderful people , see how amazing this all is, connecting with each other from different countries making a light connection with each other, now with the telepathy exercise more than ever. We are a network of light now acting as ONE.
Love you all so much, let’s steam ahead to the finish line.
Link to: Spirit Train Chronicles
Thursday, 31 May 2012
Invite Event "Candle of Love"
I invite you for the “Candle of Love” event. The purpose of this event is it symbolizes warmth and security and also signals loyalty to family members/loved ones who are not present in the home. Gaia is our home and we want to invite everybody to join us to be a candle for the ones who lost their way, which also includes the Cabal/Illuminati and others. There is no time or place attached to this event. This is coming from the heart.
We can support the lost ones in two ways:
1) Physical: we light a candle and put it in front of our windows. (If you don’t have candles you can also take something else)
2) In spirit: you can create your own meditation/intent to light the way for the lost souls.
We can start to do this when Venus (love) is in Transit on the 5th-6th of June 2012. I hope you will join in this mass effort and spread this message far and wide. But it is not bound to this date. You can participate in this event any time.
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