Thursday, 25 August 2011

2011 AUGUST 25
by Steve Beckow

Mike Quinsdey, SaLuSa's channel
Well, as you know, Mike Quinsey’s computer is kaput.
My understanding is (and I could be wrong on any of these details; they’re rather sketchy at the moment; I will update this post as and when I’m corrected) that Mike is retired and is having difficulty replacing his computer.
So we all have the opportunity to show how much we value Mike’s channeling of SaLuSa by assisting Mike to purchase that new computer.
And, hey, to wish him an early happy birthday (Nov. 27) at the same time. Mike will be 77.
(And the sooner we do, I assume the sooner we have SaLuSa back.)
Luisa Vasconcelos and Kees de Graaff, owners of Galactic Channelings and chef translators for Mike have asked me to organize a Paypal fund for Mike, which I’m happy to do. I’ve never done this before so I’m feeling my way along.
If you wish to contribute to Mike’s computer or to Mike personally, go to and send your contribution to me via
If you want to send a cheque, you can write me and I’ll send you my address.
Now, it’s very likely that we may end up collecting more than the price of a computer. Everything collected will go to Mike and I’m quite fine (and I assume you are as well) if he buys additional computer equipment with it, a webcam, a portable DVD player, steak and lobster, a trip to Brighton Beach – I really don’t care. I feel a great debt of gratitude to Mike and am happy for the occasion to express it tangibly. BTW, Mike knows nothing about this at this moment.
If you’re a blogsite owner, perhaps you could repost this item.
I personally would not know what to do without SaLuSa and Matthew Ward. Go into a cave in the Himalayas perhaps and meditate. That’s not to say that the Arcturian Group, Wanderer, Saul, Blossom and everyone else are not doing yeoman service, but SaLuSa and Matthew are my touchstones.
So you’re welcome to join me in this project and make a difference to Mike who continues to serve us faithfully three times every week.
Thank you for participating. If you cannot participate because you yourself are trying to keep your head above water, please accept my thanks for sending your loving good wishes Mike’s way.

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Steve's Beckow site

Hi all,

It would be ridiculous to post any of his articles in my blog. They are just to good to copy in here and it is just to much of those rather check them out at Steve's Blogsite:

Click here to go to Steve's Site

About Steve:

Steve Beckow is owner of The 2012

Scenario and lives in Vancouver, B.C., Canada. He attended the University of British Columbia and the University of Toronto, graduating with a Masters degree in Canadian History. Steve is a member of Mensa Canada.

He studied in three Ph.D. programs but was uncomfortable remaining within disciplinary boundaries or paradigms. One dissertation was rejected as being outside his chosen field. Another proposal was rejected as being outside the university’s paradigm of empirical materialism.

He began his career as a Cultural Historian for the National Museum of Man (now the Canadian Museum of Civilization) where he published articles redefining the fields of cultural history, popular culture, and artifact studies. He finished his working life as a Member of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, his chief interest being gender issues.

Steve has written around 20 books and a few hundred articles, many of them pseudonymously. He has several websites. Their subjects include enlightenment, the common ground of spirituality. life on the spirit planes, global gender persecution, automation, the truth of 9/11, the dangers of depleted uranium, and the 2012 scenario. His books and articles are available without cost and may be reposted freely.

His spiritual disciplines included Gestalt, encounter groups, spiritualism, the est Training, rebirthing, Zen, Vipassana meditation, and Enlightenment Intensives.

In 1977, Steve had an out-of-body experience which dissipated the fear of death. In 1987, he experienced a vision of the total journey of an individual soul, from God to God, which demonstrated to him that the purpose of life was enlightenment. That experience is written up here. It took nearly 20 years to fully express in words what he saw in eight wordless seconds that day.

He has enjoyed several transformational or direct experiences of Self, none of which he considers “enlightenment.” Today, Steve lives a life of voluntary simplicity and research as a non-denominational and happily-married “urban monk.”

His earlier writings can be found at The Essays of Brother Anonymous The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment is located here. For additional material on the 2012 scenario, see First Contact.