Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Check this out!!!!!!

Check this out, awsome!!!!

If you want to know what I am talking about just hit the link and see it for yourself.

Wednesday, 15 April 2009


I was wachting television last night and was watching Beyond Change. It is a programme dealing with amazing things that happens in the lifes of ordinary people, miracles.

This was about an woman (Lisa Fittipaldi) how became blind in 1995. After two years of blindness she started to paint. After a struggle and just pushing through, now she is the only blind painter in the world. Her work is amazing, and you have to consider that she never went to artschool.

Lisa Fittipaldi's World

Thursday, 9 April 2009

Bring your vision to life contest

Just the say for who is interested and is a deviant art member ( you don't have to buy a membership just join it for free) there is a contest :

Bring your vision to life contest

Deviant Art and Wacom are presenting this contest.

Theme is "Good versus Evil" and is open for all artists of all mediums anywhere in the world.

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Free download Artprogram: Twisted Brush

I've got a pretty cool link from my father. It is a Free programme to make art with it. You have more then 5000 brushes to choose from and more than 100 filters. Check it out on:Download Free Twisted Brush

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Book of Shadows

I made this myself. The first one is a cover for my Book of Shadows. The second one is a map Book of Shadows. These are not for sale but if you want I can make them custom made for you for a price. That will be discussed when the materials are bought.